Fridays Chat w/ Vlad - Feb 10, 2023
Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. Well I was supposed to have Vinnie as a guest on our chat today but as it turns out that will not be happening. I went to her enclosure this morning, before the interview, to discuss things we could talk about…you know things like having her tell my Vladiators her favorite thing about me, or perhaps the thing she admires most about me. Instead of welcoming me, as she should have, she just gave me this nasty look and said, “go away Vlad”. Now I am paraphrasing a bit as truthfully Vinnie has a bit of a potty mouth. I would hate to offend my fans who no doubt have outstanding morals and a strong ethical compass. I am not sure where she picked up such “colorful language”, maybe from one of her care givers…but I’ve got to tell you, some of the things that come out of that girl’s mouth would make a longshoreman blush.
We do give Vinnie some slack as before she came to JABCECC she had a hard life. As many of you know, Vinnie was born on a fur farm destined to become a coat or some other equal offensive item. When it was determined that her fur wasn’t “good” enough she was just going to be killed. Thankfully, due to the Vlad and his pals project, which you may know by the highly inaccurate moniker of the Panda and her pals project, Vinnie was rescued from the fur farm with 29 of her friends, and came to live at the center.
You may have noticed she is missing an ear and her tail. This is due to the stress caused by the horrid conditions at the fur farm. Nowadays she spends her time sunning her buns, eating her favorite foods and apparently flashing me “stink eye” when I stop by to include her in the highly coveted role of guest on my chat. Well, her loss.
Vlad out.