Hey, it's Vlad. It's official-snow day at the center.
Naturally, I declared martial law and appointed myself Supreme Snow Commander.
My first decree? All work activities canceled. My second decree? Mandatory frolicking and peeing in the snow. This was going great until Yuri violated the sacred rule: Don't eat yellow snow. Frolicking was immediately suspended.
Next, we attempted a classic snowball fight. We divided into teams and scouted tactical positions. Only then did I realize a critical flaw-opposable thumbs are actually quite important in making snowballs. Our snowballs looked more like ice frisbees. They flew well but, unfortunately, caused somewhat
excessive damage. Lena took a hit to the neck from Sergei, flew into a rage, and bludgeoned him with a food bowl. Snowball fight? Canceled.
Naturally, we moved on to sledding-what could go wrong? I distributed Krispy Kreme boxes (acquired through questionable means from Yuri). Flattened, they made perfect fox-sized sleds. To demonstrate proper form, I climbed to the top of the platform, launched myself down the ramp, did a somersault, and stuck the landing like the majestic creature I am. Of course, the others decided this wasn't extreme enough. They began brainstorming "enhancements" —namely, riding dorkwolf Lucan down the ramp. While Lucan might've been willing, the potential for catastrophic injury was... high. Sledding? Also canceled.
We returned to snow frolicking, with Laika assigned as Yuri's official chaperone. Things were peaceful-until the sun came out. Operation Snow Shenanigans quickly transformed into Mud Madness 2025, and let's just say... I have mud in places I didn't know I had places.
Vlad out.