Fridays Chat w/ Vlad - March 26, 2022

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. How are my peeps? I recently had a sit down with Sophie and learned some interesting stuff about the history of the JABCECC. Sophie was one of the original Belaev foxes that the founders brought to America. You see us Belaev foxes are a pretty big deal as we have been selectively bred for tameness for decades. There was even a TV program about us made by National Geographic. Anyway the story goes one of the founders asked the other if she had seen this. She said no but then went and found it and watched the program. She was immediately enchanted by us and said there had to be a way to get some to the US. Now rumor has it that she had a few glasses of wine 🍷 down the hatch at that point so it was assumed that thoughts of doing what had not been done before would quickly dissipate. This was not the case however and as time went on the need to meet one of us foxes only intensified. Many calls and emails where sent and finally it began to look like this could become a reality, they would be able to get one fox to America. Two videos were sent, one of a fox called Erik and one of a fox named Amy. These two couldn’t be any more different. Erik was quiet and calm, while Amy was LOUD and emotional. Logically, Erik would have been the best pick but the thought of leaving sweet, emotional Amy behind was just too much. So the decision was made to bring both foxes to America. They were renamed Boris and Sophie. 8 months after that night of a few too many glasses of wine they were finally here. Since then several more Belaev foxes have been brought to the JABCECC, including yours truly.

Sophie and Boris are kind of like royalty around here. We all respect our elders and are very happy those two made such a good impression that the decision was made to bring more of us over. Since that time other foxes have been brought to the center having been rescued from bad situations. Other species of Canids have also been brought here. We all do our best to make people realize what remarkable animals we are and that we have a right to live full and happy lives. It all started, however with a sweet little fox named Sophi