Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. So we had our annual fundraiser last weekend and it was a huge success. We sold out the venue, educated the attendees about the importance of canids and talked about our healing path programs. Everybody there also had a great time. Us foxes were represented by Viktor, Maksa, Lena, Yuri and Panda. Of course I could not attend on account of my celebrity. You can only imagine what the security implications would have been. I was at home in the control room organizing everything. Some of my fellow ambassadors suggested I might have gone a bit overboard in my organizing and they sent me the picture I posted as proof. Apparently when I was running around getting everything in its proper place I filed some of the other foxes…at least they were not in my way. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
These fundraisers allow us the help more animals, create a better environment for our existing animals and expand our programs to help people. I made up cue cards for everybody to help with our messaging. One of my favorites said “show me the money, Vladdy needs a new pair of shoes”. Now I know what you are thinking, foxes don’t wear shoes. You are correct we do not, but we do eat them. While I have never eaten a pair, I hear Jimmy Chews are the best. Word is they melt in your mouth…a fox can dream.
Vlad out.