Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey it’s Vlad. So what’s wrong with this picture? You see the hair in my mouth and the mud on my nose? Does that hair look like my hair? No, it most certainly does not. My hair is a gorgeous mix of red, black and silver. This hair is white isn’t it? What else has white hair. A polar bear? A Great Pyrenees? An Icelandic horse? Have you ever seen any of those around here? Why no, you have not. What about Panda, does she have white hair? As a matter of fact she does. So the question is why is Panda’s hair in my mouth and why do I have mud on my nose. My “friends” would respond to this question by saying I was the recipient of a practical joke. I would respond by saying I was the victim of a unprovoked attack on my personal being.
It started earlier today as I was instructing the other foxes on the proper way to utilize our self feeders. These are devices some high school students just donated to us. They consist of a piece of PVC pipe on an axle. Treats are put in the pipe and we just have to turn the pipe to get them out. Of course I immediately figured it out on account of my superior intellect. Some of the other foxes were having a bit more difficulty. Panda kept trying to move the pipe with her foot but as soon as she moved her paw to let the treats fall out, the pipe would rotate back, often hitting her in the snout in the process. I showed her the proper technique, which is to push on the bottom of the pipe with your foot and then grab the top in your mouth. It is then pulled down and the treats will fall on the ground. Panda did not seem appreciative of my tutelage as she gave me a look of derision, grumbled something about her method working just fine, and then stormed off. I am so under appreciated. There is a saying that goes you can lead a fox to water but you can’t get them to stop urinating and/or defecating in it. Anyway a bit later I go to get a snack. Push the bottom of the pipe and grab the top with my mouth but instead of enjoying my favorite treats I get a nose full of mud and hair. Some vulpine vigilante had sabotaged the feeder. It’s on.
- Vlad Out