Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. Today I will again show what a giver I am by sharing my chat with one of the other ambassadors. Please welcome Agnes to the chat, hi Agnes. Hi Vlad, I am really excited to be here but I’m really nervous. No need to be nervous Aggy...just a little talk with your buddy Vlady, forget about the huge number of my adoring fans that tune in. No Vlad it’s not that, it’s just that I’m a coyote, and we are often nervous. You see Vlad, we’re mesopredators, which means while we are out looking for dinner, there are other things looking to make US dinner. If that isn’t enough, a lot of people get a thrill by killing us, so we tend to be a little antsy. You know Vlad, foxes are also mesopredators and people want to kill you guys as well, yet you’re so chill, like a hippy fox or a Rastafarian fox enjoying some Bob Marley and a little ganja..why is that? Well Agnes, in the same way that natural selection has made you more jumpy than a six legged kangaroo, artificial selection has made us Russian foxes cool as a Novosibirsk night. Scientists have found that selecting for tameness has changed our brains. But enough about me, I hear you have some news to share. Why yes Vlad. I am so happy to report that construction has begun on our expanded habitat. My sister and I are going to enjoy this so much. It’s going to encompass the whole hillside between Vulpine Valley, where you live Vlad, and Canis Canyon where our present enclosure is. There are trees and bushes and lots of stuff for us to play with. Once we are in there we are going to start an enrichment activity called grazing games. This is where our food is scattered around the enclosure and we get to use our senses to find it. We are also going to start our nose work training in the new habitat. I want to thank the volunteers that are donating their time and talents to build this for us. Also, JABCECC is spending thousands of dollars in material costs for this habitat. Donations are always appreciated to help pay for this. Or corporate sponsorships…Agnes and Wilson’s Tesla Terrace has a nice ring to to it, don’t you think Vlad? Way to go Agnes, aim high.
Vlad Out.