Fridays Chat w/ Vlad - April 21, 2023

Friday Chat w/Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. I’m guessing all my peeps have heard about our new ambassadors by now. I mean you’d really have to be living under a rock not to have heard about them. It’s been all jackals all the time here at JABCECC. It’s not that I’m jealous or anything, it’s just that I should have been given a heads up about the arrival of these guys. Apparently management was contacted a few weeks ago and asked if they would provide a forever home for some jackals. The first thing management did was to get the necessary permits in place, get their habitat figured out, get their veterinarian care settled, etc. The first thing they should have done was ask Vlad how he felt about it. I mean I’m the one who will need to shape them into ambassadors worthy of JABCECC. Anyway that’s water under the bridge now, so let me formally introduce our new black backed jackal residents, Shaka and Zuri.

When Yuri heard that the little jackal girl’s name was Zuri and that was so close to his name he got excited. He figured she would share his love of breakfast pastries. I told him to check Wikipedia for the diet of jackals. He told me it said medium and small animals, vegetation and human refuse. Just for fun he also checked what Wikipedia had to say about the diet of a red fox. Again, nary a mention of this beloved pastries. Since he saw this, he has been working feverishly to edit the Wikipedia information on the diet of a red fox to include bear claws. We all acknowledge Yuri is not the sharpest tool in the shed but should he be successful I apologize. Being opportunistic eaters I think it is safe to say most red foxes would not turn down a bear claw but with the exception of Yuri, bear claws do not make up a major portion of the diet of any red fox.

Yuri also learned that black backed jackals are indigenous to south and southeast Africa. Like red foxes, they are mesopredators. Also like red foxes, with the possible exception of Yuri, they are highly intelligent.

So now I find out Shaka and Zuri have a sister who is also coming to live with us. Why I have to learn such things from our social media pages is beyond me.

Vlad out