Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If you need immediate help please contact….ok you know what, let’s be honest here, there is no one else you can contact cause nobody else here can muster even an iota of the competence I exhibit on a daily basis. So if you need immediate help, you are up the proverbial creek without a paddle. I will be checking my messages but will be unlikely to respond unless your request has to do with the loss of life and/or limb. In the event of a zombie apocalypse I can be reached at my personal email.
In order to assist you in coping with my time “out-of-pocket” I have left some pictures of baby Ishy for your viewing pleasure.
Vlad out.
#vlad #fridaychatwithvlad #outofoffice #zombieapocalypse #dontbothervlad #vladisrad #vladout