Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. So I’m back from my special assignment and I am sure you all missed me. Let me tell you, I wasn’t back for 5 minutes before it turned into a total 💩 show around here. Now those that have spent much time around foxes know that, in a literal sense, it is a 💩 show pretty much all the time around us. Foxes have the incredible ability to 💩 at anytime for any reason. As a matter of fact, awhile back we where pitched a reality show called “The 💩 show”. We got as far as filming a pilot and I thought it was a shoe in to get picked up when, on cue, Vasily laid down a log shaped like Elvis. It turned out the corporate executives felt it lacked the “shock value” required in today’s reality shows.
The 💩 show I spoke of was more in a figurative sense. As soon as I got back Panda comes up to me and questions me about why I put a picture of baby Ishy in my chat last week instead of a picture of baby Panda. She then accused me of overlooking her cuteness as a kit. In an attempt to diffuse the situation I assured Panda she was cute as a kit but history has shown people really like pictures of baby Ishy. She then demanded I go tell Ishy that “Panda was the cutest baby”. This was not something I was prepared to do as Ishy can get quite cantankerous when she gets upset. I really didn’t want to take a ride on that coocoo train so I told Panda I would have my Vladiators vote on who was cuter.
An hour later Freddy comes up and says he heard I was orchestrating a baby beauty pageant and he wanted to remind me that he was quite cute as a kit. I tried to tell him that no, this is not “toddlers and tiaras” but rather I’m just trying to appease Panda and I would rather swallow a pregnant wildcat and crap out a litter of kittens then to take sides between Ishy and Panda. He didn’t seem to get it as he gave me a picture of him as a young’un as he walked away.
So help me out. Comment on who you think was the cutest kit. This way I have no culpability as to the winner and losers, it’s all on you. Just don’t be surprised if two disgruntled foxes show up on your doorstep if you don’t vote for them.
Vlad out. #vlad #foxes