Fridays Chat w/ Vlad - Jan 6, 2023

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. Happy New Year to all my Vladiators. I spent it pretty low key snuggled up to my foxy vixens. Yep…I am sure it comes as no surprise to anyone but I am quite the ladies man. Whether it is my boyish good looks or my laser sharp wit or maybe the fact that I am a natural born leader but the ladies dig me. You know what I always say… lead, follow or get out of the way. I do possess a certain “je ne sais quoi”. that makes me irresistible. You can clearly see in the picture that Lena and Sasha are enjoying their “Vlad time” and then Leika comes over to get some Vlad lovin’ as well, No problem, there is plenty to go around.

In the wild quite often red foxes are monogamous. I say quite often cause there are some players out there. In reality at JABCECC we are all “fixed” but don’t tell anyone cause I have my reputation to think about.

I hope all my devoted followers had a delightful New Years and you got to spend quality time with those close to you. We are all now motivated and energized and ready to fight for the canid cause.

Vlad out