Fridays Chat w/ Vlad - Nov 11, 2022

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. What you see here is me shut inside, by myself, while all the others are in the play yard. Now if you were to ask the others why this is the case, they would say a new toy was put outside and I don’t play well with others in this circumstance. I’m sure all my Vladiators realize this would just be their feeble attempt to besmirch my character. I mean its self evident that when a new toy appears I should get the first crack at it but that point is moot. It is my personal choice to be inside. I will use this time to go through my copious amounts of fan mail . Maybe if the others got ANY fan mail they would understand. So let’s get right to it.

Our first letter comes from Timmy of Toad Stuck Arkansas. “Hi Vlad. I am 12 years old and am in 7th grade at Carl Stuart middle school. My science teacher, Miss Clutterbuck, said I can write a report on red foxes. I could really use a cool fact about foxes so I can get an A on my report”. Sure thing Timmy. Foxes have great hearing as do most canids but what really stands out about our auditory sense is our ability to hear very quiet low frequency sounds. This helps us to locate small animals digging under the ground. If you try to sneak up on a fox and have a mechanical watch on, we can hear it from over 100 feet away. How’s that fun fact sound?

Next we will hear from Roberto from Puddlerun New Mexico. “Greetings Vlad. I think I was a fox in a previous life as I try to be just like you. The fact that you are so irreverent and yet so lovable is truly inspirational. Vlad, what is your favorite color? Please say it is green cause that is mine”. Hi Roberto, I would love to comply with your request but unfortunately foxes are red-green color blind so my favorite color is mustard. I can understand however why you would be so green with envy.

I just got a report from the play yard. It appears that Leika was hogging the new toy so the others got together and waterboarded her. I bet she is wishing lovable Vladdy was out there to keep order. Live and learn.

Vlad out.