Friday Chat w/Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. Well, we’re in build mode again. Over the next few weeks we have several new residents coming to the center so we are all working diligently to get their habitats set up. Now I say “all working diligently” as to not hurt anyone’s feelings cause truth be told, we do have a few slackers in our midst. I won’t call anyone out by name, but I will say while everyone was out digging holes, I saw Viktor watching the real housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo .
The first group to come here were rescued from a fur farm by some kind people. Why such places still exist I cannot fathom. The second group worked as ambassadors for many years, and are now ready to retire to sunny California. An area is being created just for them and we are brainstorming to come up with an appropriate retirement community name for it. I came up with Fox Hollow which is great as I have the best brain.
In the middle of all this activity we were contacted about giving a home to a baby coyote. Unfortunately there are exotic breeders out there who produce animals like this and convince people they are the perfect pet. They are not! Be it foxes, wolves, coyotes,singing dogs, or other exotic canids, the vast majority of people will rue the day they decided to bring one of these into their home. I mean come on, I’m a domesticated fox but do I seem like the perfect pet? Newsflash, I poop and pee when and where I want, and then expect you to pick it up, and perhaps I’ve even rolled in it. I will eat your Prada boots as an appetizer before chewing on your couch. I will demand room service everyday to bring me my meals, and just might pee in the bowl if it’s not exactly right. And forgot about me doing anything you want me to. I may even do the exact opposite to make a point. When you think about it, if there is a “pet” relationship here, one must examine who the pet really is. But if humans decide to be MY companion animal that’s their business and I will not stop them. They can provide for my every need, and in return, they can bask in my greatness.
Ok, got to get back on the tractor to dig more holes. The foreman’s work is never done.
Vlad out.