Fridays Chat w/Vlad - November 18, 2022

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Yuri. I have hijacked Vlad’s chat this week to speak directly with the people he calls his “Vladiators”. It has come to my attention that on multiple occasions Vlad has made me out to be this bearclaw eating nincompoop that is continually getting his head caught in things. I went through the trouble of hacking into Vlad’s account so I can set matters straight….actually it wasn’t too much trouble. His password “Vladisgreat1234” was a no brainer.

So I am not going to lie, I do like bearclaws. What’s not to like about a tender rich dough, filled with a luscious and sweet almond filling. I mean all breakfast pastries, be they twists or twirlies or turnovers, croissants or cruffins or crullers are gifts from above. Just writing about them makes me feel like Pavlov’s fox…excuse me while I get a napkin. I am however in no way obsessed with them.

As for me getting my head stuck in things, all I’ll say is while that has happened, it does not occur to the extent Vlad implies. Vlad has told you there is an emergency crew on 24 hour standby waiting for someone to call a “code Yuri”, in which case they rush to my enclosure with the jaws of life and a stick of butter for use in extricating my head from what ever it is stuck in. I have no first hand knowledge of such a crew but I have woken up with butter on my head on more than one occasion. In my defense I do have a rather large head compared to the other foxes. If I see Panda with her head in a box, of course I am going to stick my head in there…what if there is a cream puff in the box? Anyway, the majority of the time, I walk around without my head stuck in anything.

I hope you all can see that the picture Vlad paints of me is just a caricature and in reality I am a very complex fox. Lastly, please don’t let Vlad know I highjacked his chat. He has a tendency to get worked up over such things. If you do this for me you can be part of my fan club I’m starting. I will call members my Yurethras. Our slogan is “be nice to foxes or you can just p*ss off”

Yuri out

#fridaychatwithvlad #yuri #bearclaw #urethra #Yuethra #p*ssoff @dunkin