Friday Chat w/ Vlad
Hey, it’s Vlad. Standing up high, viewing the goings on in my domain. I always try to occupy the high ground both from a tactical and moral standpoint. The often quoted Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu wrote in the Art of War, He who occupies the high ground…will fight to advantage. Say for instance Leika hears a rumor that I was telling the others she was being sent to anger management classes cause she can be as nutty as a fruitcake. And then say she comes running after me with intent to do me bodily harm. If I am occupying the high ground, I will see her coming in advance and can prepare for the assault. Also by the time she gets to me she will have expended considerable energy which makes her defeat inevitable. Of course I would also inhabit the moral high ground as frankly she IS as nutty as a fruitcake, therefore I would just be making a helpful suggestion.
Another area were I am clearly on the high ground is my advocacy for canids. How can anyone who thinks it is morally acceptable to have foxes live horrible lives and die awful deaths so they can wear their fur, for vanity, be anything other than morally deficient?? Or, how can someone think it is ok to move onto land that has been inhabited by coyotes for thousands of years, not be willing to make any effort to coexist, but rather just want them gone or dead?? They are truly inhabiting a moral abyss. The same thing applies for people’s hatred of wolves. This is a fight worth having and being on a lofty perch will ensure success.
Sometimes being on the high ground is a difficult place to be. The things I see from here just make me want to scream. Whether it’s the injustices done to canids or seeing Yuri looking at this chat and then start searching for the fruitcake.
Vlad out.