Hey, it’s Vlad. Well, we are into September and the mercury shows no sign of abating. I invited Sakari to my chat today to see how she is coping with the heat. For those of you that don’t know, Sakari is an Arctic fox that came to us after being rescued from a fur farm. She spent years of her life in misery, confined to a tiny cage, seeing her babies taken away each year and slaughtered in the name of someone’s vanity. Since being at JABCECC she has blossomed and has learned what joy feels like. She has become less fearful and discovered she loves to play and have fun. A true testament to leaving your past behind you and enjoying what’s in front of you.
Hi Sakari, welcome to my chat. Hi Vlad, it’s an honor to be here. Yes, I know Sakari. I wanted to touch bases with you Sakari to hear about how you are coping with the heat. Thanks for your concern Vlad. It’s true that its hotter than a flaming jalapeño outside. Arctic foxes are superbly adapted to deal with cold weather. We have very small ears, thick coats, short legs and fuzzy feet. All these things enable us to tolerate temperatures down to -70 but they are not so good for handling high temperatures. Thankfully the kind folks at JABCECC set me up in an enclosure that helps me stay cool. My habitat is located in the shadiest part of the property. Of course by shady I mean lack of sun not dangerous. Although I do live with Freddy Snowball now, who can be a pretty shady character. He tries to jump on you for no particular reason. Thankfully I don’t think he is all that bright cause I just step out of the way. I also have misters in my enclosure which Freddy, dork that he is, seems to be afraid of.
I’m glad to hear you’re set up to deal with the heat Sakari, and don’t you worry, in a few more months it will be much cooler. I look forward to it Vlad, and I will be ready with my white winter coat. I’m sure you will Sakari.
Vlad out.