Fridays Chat w/Vlad - October 21, 2022

Friday Chat w/ Vlad

Hey, it’s Vlad. Have you ever been standing there, minding your own business, when someone rushes up to you out of nowhere? At first you might think oh, this is great, they must want to give you treats or rub your belly, but then you become aware that may not be the case. As they get closer you realize they are there to cut your nails, pull clumps of hair out of your tail or god forbid...give you a pill. Whatever heinous act they have in mind there is really only one thing you can do. Hit the high road, get out of dodge, skedaddle, don’t let the screen door hit ya where the good lord split ya, blow this pop stand, Elvis has left the building. Yes, that’s right turn tail and run like you’re being chased by a rabid wolverine with antisocial personality disorder..and that’s what I did.

The video I posted is shown in slow motion to allow you to see the beauty of my gait and also to add cinematographic creativity. This effect comes from a TV show popular in the late 70s. Now you might ask “why would you, Vlad, know of anything from the late 70s seeing as you are not even 3 years old”. The answer my friends is English is not my first language, my first language is of course fox. This is actually a very robust language with many different vocalizations. My most used being a whooping alarm call which is understood by everyone to mean, come quickly, Yuri has got his head stuck in something again. Anyway, being an ambassador means interacting with people and understanding English is helpful. I gained this understanding by binge watching 70s and 80s TV shows. One of my favorites, and it’s a crime it never got an Emmy, was the Bionic Woman, which is where this stunning effect comes from. The paradox of inferring speed from a lack thereof. Many of you younger Vladiators may never have had the pleasure of viewing this jewel so I have included a link.

I selected this particular clip because is has special relevance to a JABCECC ambassador. If any knows what that is, 1000 points and an attaboy from Vlad.

Vlad Out.